Well, that you found me
The Tuscany bill of fare

At restaurants or better said in ristorante, in trattoria or osteria,
the bill of fare always begins with antipasti, the hors-d'oeuvres,
followed of primi piatti,
to it belong  noodle and rice courts, Polenta and soups,
 secondi piatti
  Meat or fish courts (usually without supplements),
 Potato, vegetable or salads as supplement, evtl. formaggio (cheese) and closes  with that
that refeeds (cake, pastry, cookies, fruit, versch. Sweet foods and creams) off.

antipasto toscano
are usually toskanische wurstwaren  (salame, finocchiona = Fenchelsamen and
 prosciutto crudo = raw ham) forwards, evtl.
with sottolio; in olive oil inserted artichokes, olives, mushrooms etc..
crostini small white slices of bread with different upstrokes; usually with liver, spleen, olives etc..
bruschetta or fettunta: roasted bread, either only with olive oil and salt
or with fresh tomato disks or pieces and Basilikum.
salvia fritta or fiori di zucca
frittierte Salbeiblaetter or Kuerbisfruchtfleisch

Primi piatti
Noodle courts
stick-pool of broadcasting corporationsal (fettucines) or pici (and/or pinci, Spaghetti thickens)
alla leprosy, allianatra or aluminium cinghiale:
noodle courts with hares are -, duck or Wildschweinragout.
In addition with funghi porcini (steinpilzen).
agnolotti: filled Noodle courts
ribollita: on dried bread, thick vegetable soup with white beans did;
zuppa di farro: Dinkelsuppe; zuppa di fagioli: white bean soup;
zuppa di ceci: Kichererbsensuppe; acqua cotta: Soup from tomatoes, bulbs and egg;
carabaccia: Vegetable soup with peas.
risotto ai funghi porcini: Rice court with steinpilzen;
polenta: Corn mash, which solidifies after cooking, with versch. Sauces or mushrooms;
crespelle (alla fiorentina): filled Crépes;
panzanella: Summer salad from eingeweichtem weissbrot, tomatoes, bulbs and Basilikum.

Secondi piatti
Meat courts (specialities)
arrosto = of the grill:
bistecche di maiale: Pig steak
bistecca vitello: Calf steak
rostinciane or costoleccio: Pig rib
salcicce: small thick rough Mettwuerstchen
bistecca alla fiorentina: large t-Bone-steak (usually f. 2 Pers).


      Out of the furnace and from the pan:
pollo alla diavola: pikant peppered cockerel
pollo in galantina: Cockerel in Aspik
trippa (alla fiorentina): Kutteln in tomato sauce
stracotto: in wine scorched meat
salcicce e fagiole: cooked Mettwuerstchen with white o. becomes green to beans
arista: scorched pig
cinghiale in umido: scorched wild pig
lepre into dolce e forte:  scorched hare sweet-sourly, Pinienkerne, raisins etc..
fegatelle: verse CH prepared chicken liver
coniglio con olive: Rabbit with black olives,
faraona, fagiano or piccione:  pheasant o. pigeon scorched or roasted.
rana: verse CH prepared frog specialities

     Pesce / fish courts
caciucco (Livorno): Fish soup
triglie alla livornese: Barben
stoccafisso bzw. baccalý alla livornese: Stick fish in Gemuesesud
anguila alla pisana:  fritierte young Eel

Contorni / supplements
fagioli (all´uccelletta): with Rosmarin white boiled beans
carciofi fritti: fritierte artichokes
bacelli stufati: scorched sow beans

 formaggi / cheese
peccorino fresco: fresh, soft sheep cheese
peccorino stagionato: heartful to, ripe sheep cheese pikant
raveggiolo: lmore easily fresh cheese
peccorino e miele: Sheep cheese with honey
peccorino con bacelli: Sheep cheese with sow beans

dolce/sweet foods
cantucci: Almond cookies, which are usually dipped into Vinsanto and eaten then,
panforte: (Siena) fruit bread with almonds and kandierten fruits,
brutti ma buoni: Pastry from ice snow with almonds
ricciarelli: (Siena) soft almond pastry (nearly like marzipan inside)
bomboloni: filled with cream
brigidini: Anise pastry (waffelaehnl.)
buccellati: (Lucca) dry wreath/ring with anise
castagnaccio: Fladencake from Kastanienflour with Pinienkernen and Rosmarin
zuccotto: (Florenz) in likoer of soaked Biscuit with cream, chocolate and almonds.